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Course ID: 235326 Principles of Professional Selling
Principles of Professional Selling

No matter how great your product or service is, or how talented a salesperson you are, you will not be able to close the deal if you cannot tell your clients how what you’re selling will benefit them. Through this intensive professional sales training seminar, you will learn how to gain your clients business by earning their trust.

Go through the entire sales process and discover the most modern sales methods today—consultative/solutions selling. You’ll leave this professional sales

Events 4
Duration 3 Days
Course ID: 237419 Fundamentals of Purchasing for the New Buyer
Fundamentals of Purchasing for the New Buyer

This fundamentals seminar is taught by leaders in the field who will walk through every step of the purchasing management process, including negotiating and vendor and materials management. Find innovative ways to manage your suppliers so they deliver quality products and services on time and within your budget…learn how eProcurement can help you save money and exploit sales opportunities…and recognize the impact you have on the financial side of your business.

Events 3
Duration 3 Days
Course ID: 292820 Sales Management Certificate Program
Sales Management Certificate Program
You also have an open territory that needs to be filled as quickly as possible. Where do you start? How do you gain the respect of your team? How can you maximize the skills of each team member? And how do you respond to your manager’s demands? In this seminar, you will gain critical-to-success management skills, from proven communication techniques to interviewing tools…from establishing an effective training program to a six-step coaching process that helps you maximize your sales team’s skill
Events 4
Duration 3 Days