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Course ID: 292777 Leadership Development for Women
Leadership Development for Women

Despite years of advances in both legal and corporate policy, many qualified women don’t get the jobs they want. Misperceptions, stereotypes, and misplaced emotions on the part of either sex can still sabotage a woman’s career hopes—unless she takes a more strategic approach to her career.

This hands-on leadership course shows women how to strategically use your strengths and abilities—your competitive edge—while mastering your emotions in even the most unwelcoming atmosphere. You’

Events 6
Duration 2 Days
Course ID: 292811 Women's Leadership Certificate Program
Women's Leadership Certificate Program

Women at every level of an organization can be strong leaders—bringing essential skills like team leadership, strategic thinking and business acumen to their roles. To flourish as a leader, a woman needs not only the skills to lead, but a dynamic voice that can be heard and followed. This unique 2-day program will provide you with the knowledge and tools to present yourself as a present and future leader, and to speak up and create value for your organization no matter what your role is. You’

Events 1
Duration 9 Days
Course ID: 292805 Women's Leadership Workshop
Women's Leadership Workshop

Our extremely popular 1-day event for women has just been newly updated, offering you and other women in your organization not just a range of crucial and timely skills, but new leadership development and networking opportunities. By experiencing this powerful and high-impact workshop, women can start the year strong by coming together with a diverse group of women from other industries and sharing ideas, strategies and support.

As participants in this unique and powerful workshop,

Events 4
Duration 1 Days