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Course ID: 272581 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Edition 4.0
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Edition 4.0

By FranklinCovey—Available through AMA. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® Signature Edition 4.0 program is based on the teachings of Dr. Stephen R. Covey.

No matter how capable a person you are, you will not have sustained and lasting success unless you are able to effectively lead yourself, influence, engage, and collaborate with others—and continuously improve and renew your capabilities. The seven habits of highly effective people are at the heart of t

Events 3
Duration 4 Days
Course ID: 245512 Breaking Bad Communication Habits
Breaking Bad Communication Habits
Believe it or not, you’re probably making a ton of bad communication mistakes right now. You can’t afford to stay stuck in a rut, making the same bad communication mistakes over and over again. And that’s exactly why you can’t miss this vital career-enhancing good communication vs bad communication training session. Let us help you stop these problems before they start.
Events 16
Duration 1 Days
Course ID: 245532 Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
The Key to Working More Effectively With All Types of PeopleLearn why Emotional Intelligence is so i
Events 16
Duration 1 Days