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Course ID: 292770 Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
Manufacturers have a multitude of costs that must be included in inventory and cost of goods sold: material, labor, direct variable costs, indirect variable costs and fixed costs. You will learn how to properly identify these costs. Using multiple case studies, this seminar will provide you with detailed information on the various techniques companies have devised to apply all these costs to inventory. Doing so ensures that inventory and cost of goods sold are properly valued for both internal a
Events 4
Duration 3 Days
Course ID: 189314 Successfully Managing People
Successfully Managing People
Are you ready to develop a high-performance team and get more done? Resolve team conflict using emotional intelligence and get more from your team by adapting your management style to every situation. You’ll learn how to: Motivate every member of your team—even if they don’t share your values Use positive and corrective feedback to turn problem employees around and maximize productivity Apply the most relevant conflict resolution style to eliminate friction You’ll also get
Events 21
Duration 2 Days
Course ID: 189326 The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire  Influence and Achieve Results
The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Influence and Achieve Results
AMA2130 The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire, Influence, and Achieve Results
Events 11
Duration 3 Days