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Course ID: 310896 Facilitating Virtual Meetings Training
Facilitating Virtual Meetings Training
The Facilitating Virtual Meetings Training course is an interactive, instructor-led class that takes you through the initial starting point of planning your meeting, working through the key challenges of a virtual meeting and managing the technology by choosing your tools and understanding what to do when the technology fails. The Facilitating Virtual Meetings Training class, you will also learn to set expectations for prompt attendance, facilitate the discussion, ensure you hear from everyone,
Events 1
Duration 1 Day
Course ID: 310930 Leading Virtual Teams Training
Leading Virtual Teams Training
The Leading Virtual Teams Training course is a one-day interactive class that positions managers of a remote workforce for success. Today’s workforce is spread all over the globe.
Events 1
Duration 1 Day
Course ID: 311009 Leading Effective Virtual Meetings
Leading Effective Virtual Meetings

The shift from in-person to virtual meetings requires a specific new skill set in order for leaders and participants to have maximum effectiveness.

An effective meeting leader must plan appropriately to keep participants engaged by creating an agenda with clear outcomes. In addition, they must be ready to manage the overall meeting experience and create and maintain a positive, safe atmosphere.

For effective and productive virtual meetings, an understanding of the effect t

Events 5
Duration 1 Days