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Course ID: 235300 Management Skills for New Supervisors
Management Skills for New Supervisors
Change is the norm. You are responsible for your own productivity and that of your staff. Your day-to-day dealings may now include colleagues, your boss, and senior management who all have different interests and viewpoints. This seminar will equip you with proven supervisory techniques that you can put into action immediately. The skills savvy supervisors use to plan, organize, communicate and monitor will become part of your toolkit to effectively manage everyday interactions with
Events 26
Duration 2 Days
Course ID: 269633 Tips for Giving and Receiving Feedback
Tips for Giving and Receiving Feedback

Giving feedback can be difficult and sometimes hurtful. Often stressful. How do you even begin? Learn simple techniques that make a difference.

The ability to give and receive feedback is a critical skill that doesn't come easily. Especially when the words, timing, and moods and emotions of both parties collide. Yet this is essential for your future success—and the success of your colleagues, team members or direct reports.

When done right, both giver and

Events 12
Duration 1 Days
Course ID: 272559 Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Can you demonstrate your value and ROI to your boss? Are you able to interpret financial reports and make decisions based on the data they provide? Can you draft an accurate budget? Can you justify your ideas in dollars and cents? You didn’t get to this point in your career only to be held back by weak financial skills. This program for non-financial managers makes the basics of finance accessible to anyone in just 2 days.

You’ll learn how to: Interpret and respond appro
Events 26
Duration 2 Days

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